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government official artinya

contoh kalimat "government official"
  • Government officials have issued a Colony-wide state of emergency.
    Pihak berwenang mengumumkan, Koloni dalam keadaan darurat.
  • The land owner used to be a high government official.
    Pemilik tanah merupakan mantan utusan pemerintah.
  • The Police needs to arrest the corrupt government officials"
    Polisi harus menahan petugas pemerintahan yang korup..
  • The rules protecting level 10 government officials have been revoked.
    Aturan yang melindungi 10 tingkat pemerintah
  • The government official doesn't know whose orders to follow?
    Tidak tahukah kalian seharusnya kalian mematuhi perintah siapa?
  • There is nothing to do with the government officials.
    Ada tak ada untuk lakukan dengan pejabat pemerintah.
  • Tell me how many government officials are there?
    Katakan aku berapa banyak pemerintah resmi ada di sana?
  • The lands and property of government officials will be seized.
    Tanah dan milik pejabat pemerintah akan disita.
  • Do you want to become a government official, too, Sasuke?
    Kau tahu, orang-orang seperti kita
  • Why do you think they sent a government official?
    Mengapa kamu mengira mereka akan mengirimkan pegawai pemerintah?
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